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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Currency trading

What is Currency trading?

Currency trading is simply buying and selling currencies and making a profit from a positive price change between two different currencies involved in a trade. The two currencies involved in a trade are known as the forex pair. The most common currency involved in forex trading is the US dollar which is involved in 85% of all trades.

A forex trader will monitor the financial markets and react to trends in the movement in price between one currency and another. He makes a profit if he buys or opens a trade at a low price and sells or closes at a higher price. The skill is being able to understand what is happening in the market and correctly anticipate the upward or downward movement of currency prices.

There are many tools available to help with the analysis of the market - the most common being a variety of charts which show historical trends and patterns. Increasingly, there are new trading software packages entering the market which automates much of this process

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