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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Currency Market

Volatility in the currency markets

Is an undeniable and unavoidable daily occurrence. With a daily turnover in excess of $1.5 billion and an uncountable number of factors playing into which way the market will move, it is impossible to forecast currencies with 100% accuracy. While large corporations employ market professionals to manage billions of dollars worth of currency risk, private individuals are often left at the whim of this massive market feeling uneducated and at risk.

Is FX in a bear market now or heading for one?

There is no such thing as a bear market in FX. Every major corporation, export-importer and every government in the world needs foreign currency every day to pay their bills. There is always FX trading around the world (200 times the size of NYSE daily volume).

As one currency goes down, another necessarily goes up. Anticipation is the challenge, serendipity being helpful as well.

Currency trading, foreign exchange trading, forex trading or Fx trading are just four different titles often given to act of investing in the currency exchange market. If you are interested in investing in the foreign exchange market, then you need to understand the currency trading basics.

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